Genre Research: Mean Girls
The first film in the comedy genre I am researching is mean girls.
- This film includes camera shots such as a point of view shot near the beginning (when Cady is walking around the cafeteria). This shot creates dramatic humor by letting us see what she sees. There are also several two-shots that show characters conversing/discussing the situations in the film. The film also has many medium close-up shots to express emotion or humor through the characters' faces.
- Costumes in this film are much like that of common high school students: casual jackets, skirts, pants, vests, and backpacks. The lighting is very bright throughout which adds to the film's lighthearted tone. The acting is convincing, yet not overly intense, so it is still comedic. Makeup mostly includes traditionally feminine products like lipstick and blushed cheeks. Props include cars, backpacks, purses, and food and drinks. The setting is mostly at school, except for some scenes that take place in houses.
- The sound in this film includes a lot of voiceovers in which Cady explains her take on the events, which adds humor and some drama to the film. There is also a soundtrack that involves songs such as "Milkshake" by Kelis.
- This film uses many clever editing techniques, such as a split screen when Cady and the Plastics are talking on the phone. Showing all of them at once as they converse adds a creative sense of humor and drama. There are also many instances of cross-cutting during more dramatic moments when two characters are talking to each other.
- Mean Girls includes many elements of comedy, such as bright lighting, casual outfits, voiceovers, scores including upbeat songs, and split screens.
- This film had elements that I like in the comedy genre, including the upbeat score, voiceovers, and brighter lighting.
- Some comedy elements in this film that I didn't like include bird's eye view and very casual/"teenage" outfits.
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