Title Research: Kiss Kiss Bang Bang
From: Watch the Titles
- This sequence starts out by displaying the studio that brought us this film (Warner Bros.). Then, it shows the title of the film and all of the actors and people who collaborated to help put the film together.
- Images prioritized here include stylized images of adults running and falling, as well as wide views of city streets and buildings.
- These images carry an intense connotation, like that of a crime film. However, the cartoonish appearance of the images gives a less intense and more lighthearted feel to the film.
- The film's opening sequence creates a comedic feel by implementing dramatically intense imagery and music. This is common for comedy films that have elements of action or thriller mixed in.
- This film is targeted towards older audiences, particularly those who take interest in thriller stories but want a good laugh as well. Strategies that help it reach that target group include the use of spy-like music and images that intrigue the viewer. The title also works to do this, since it is designed in a way that makes the film look serious and intense, which may be misleading but will lead the targeted audience to a fun surprise, which is most likely what they are looking for.
- Technology is used in a way that creates a comic-book-style animation, which captures the viewer's attention. There are also many wide shots involved; shots that show entire cities and people running or moving quickly between places.
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