

When I first began my final task, one of the things I knew I needed to do was find music. This was stressing me out for some time. I needed to find music in time to get the project done. The first thing I had to do was reach out to a music company and ask to use their music. I had heard that it can take a long time for the companies to get back to you. I wanted to get that done as soon as possible. Thankfully, though, I found out that you could use royalty-free music. Since time was starting to go by, this seemed like a safer option. I searched up "royalty free music" on Google to find anything. It took several searches and looking through many different websites to find something that would work. I finally found a website that provided many useful options. The site featured music from many different genres that you could use. I was elated when I found out that it had a "comedy" genre. I looked through and found the perfect soundtrack. The playful, upbeat sound of the music fit my movie perfectly. Plus, it had a morning-like vibe to it, which was fitting since the scene takes place in the morning. I am so happy that I found a soundtrack that works. I was worried about having to wait on a company to reply, but royalty free music helped me avoid that. This is the final thing I needed to begin my editing process.


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