Storyboard (Final Task)

Sheet 1: The sequence will open with a wide establishing shot of the outside of Henry's house. The first opening titles will appear before the title of the film fades in and fades out. The camera will pan over to the front of the house. It will then zoom into Henry's room as his voiceover begins. Next, there will be a medium close-up shot and a shot of the computer, which will show Henry typing out his voiceover.

Sheet 2: Henry will be shown typing from the side, and an extreme close-up will show him smiling. Then, he will be shown from the front and he will be interrupted by his mom walking in. Henry looks at the clock and reacts with shock after realizing he may be late for school. 

Sheet 3: Henry's mom reminds him to get ready quickly, and upbeat music will begin playing as he frantically looks for an outfit. When he finds a casual T-shirt and shorts, he will be shown brushing his teeth in an over-the-shoulder shot. Next, he will be shown packing his backpack to get ready to leave for school. The music will fade out.

Sheet 4: A dissolve transition will switch to Henry opening the front door and then walking out with his mom. A tracking shot-reverse shot will then show Henry and his mom walking towards the car as they talk about Henry's dance team tryouts. Henry will then approach the car as it is unlocked, but look back longingly at his house.

Sheet 5: When Henry's mom asks him if he's okay, he will look back into the car and say yes before getting in. Once he closes the door, the same upbeat music from before will play as the screen fades to black. The sequence will close with the words "Directed By Christopher Hayman" displayed on the screen.


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