Changes from Film Review

 I recently had a group of classmates watch and critique my opening sequence. I decided to take their advice into consideration. I went back and edited my project. First, I had to cut out some unnecessary shots. One of these was the medium close-up of Henry typing from the side. It took up too much time. Also, it was not needed since it was followed by the same shot, but more close up. Next, I altered some clips to get he timing right. I looked at the establishing shot that opens the sequence. I liked how it looked, but it was too long. It was originally 15 seconds. I shortened it down to about 12 seconds by cutting out some of the shot. I did the same thing with the getting ready montage. The shot of Henry packing his bag could have been less than 11 seconds. I cut out some of the shot to make it a couple seconds shorter. The last thing I remembered to do was to fix the lighting in the first scene with Henry. I made it a little bit less dim, so that it didn't seem so dark and ominous. I still have a little bit more editing to do, and then my work of art will be complete.
